Draft Playoffs Fall 2016

Draft Playoffs Fall 2016

RankPlayerTeamPresentHitsCatchesYellow CardsRed Cards
1Elise CrockerStop drop n’ swole00000
2Jordan NashMoneyshot218900
3Patrick MomotiukFamily Jules00000
4Laura SanderFacebreakers 2.024000
5Stacy Huen219400
6Eldon WuMoisemakers MKIII225300
7Steve SawaCatch U Next Tuesday00000
8Rylan YarjauFacebreakers 2.02461000
9Nick DWeak Sauce223200
10Micaela ZelenskyAbrahammer and the Wrecking Balls214200
11Brock BradfordMoisemakers MKIII210400
12Randy FyfeMoneyshot216100
13Daniel StefuraBall Munchers214300
14Miranda Lehn FoggDraft Dodgers222300
15Jordan AnseeuwThat’s not a ball that’s a space station!214000
16Nathanael GatzaDragon Ballz275200
17Johndel TametaThat’s not a ball that’s a space station!221100
18Irelan MendiolaStop drop n’ swole17000
19Gabriel AlperDraft Dodgers213000
20Meaghen DeBaetsBall Munchers215300
21Bryan RagasaYou think you can dodge?00000
22Brett JanisseFamily Jules239900
23Mia DouchantMoneyshot210000
24Chris MadayagFamily Jules228000
25Mat KlachefskyThat’s not a ball that’s a space station!00000
26Ben “Ben Ben” BorcesFamily Jules214300
27Riel WillmottAbrahammer and the Wrecking Balls114000
28Linda LeAbrahammer and the Wrecking Balls23200
29Sunil SharmaYou think you can dodge?218800
30Nicole CoryStop drop n’ swole10100
31Matt AbraThat’s not a ball that’s a space station!229300
32Rex MasesarBall Munchers213400
33Gregory VillegasFacebreakers 2.0211800
34Jordon LilleyStop drop n’ swole222400
35Karyn RobertsonWeak Sauce27400
36Bethany FontaineDraft Dodgers13100
37Robbie TorresFacebreakers 2.0213100
38Daniel BanasMoisemakers MKIII223200
39Mitch JanzenDragon Ballz215000
40Evan HawkinsWeak Sauce29300
41Nathan WiebeDragon Ballz214100
42Arman JassalStop drop n’ swole00000
43Kahleigh KrochakThat’s not a ball that’s a space station!27300
44Shane WillimBall Munchers239100
45Justin FongDraft Dodgers223100
46Sean AyreThat’s not a ball that’s a space station!219600
47Lindsay TorresFacebreakers 2.0211000
48Aleaf AnYou think you can dodge?219400
49Michael BaileyYou think you can dodge?2241100
50Bram LaureanoAbrahammer and the Wrecking Balls221200
51Clarence AlfaroAbrahammer and the Wrecking Balls118200
52Tayler YuelFacebreakers 2.0219400
53Holly HuiDraft Dodgers216300
54Guylaine San FilippoFamily Jules233200
55Janice BamforthMoneyshot11000
56Mike GarciaBeastie Balls 2.0 (Draft)2211400
57Natasha O’ReillyMoneyshot29200
58Rex GonzalesMoneyshot210100
59Renée PeloquinFamily Jules01000
60Jamie-Leigh CollinsAbrahammer and the Wrecking Balls223600
61Phil ChanStop drop n’ swole245800
62Chris MoisesMoisemakers MKIII226800
63Denham DubucWeak Sauce253500
64BJ VerotDraft Dodgers224600
65Scott BrandtAbrahammer and the Wrecking Balls221800
66Phoebe GreywoodBall Munchers213000
67Steve “The Snake” RobertsThat’s not a ball that’s a space station!211100
68James DerksenAbrahammer and the Wrecking Balls23500
69Amanda FurstMoisemakers MKIII216000
70Lindsay DueckDragon Ballz18000
71Shanna KolteskiBall Munchers29300
72Cameron “Mantay” EllementYou think you can dodge?122000
73Sean OkoMoneyshot240400
74John KrestanowichBall Munchers213200
75Adam KnibbsYou think you can dodge?235200
76Kevin HarderDragon Ballz2281100
77Allan QuintoFacebreakers 2.0226500
78Don McKenzieDragon Ballz233200
79Josh PomehichukYou think you can dodge?216200
80Meghan AleckMoisemakers MKIII25100
81Kyle CarriereDragon Ballz18100
82Alexander RiopelYou think you can dodge?211000
83Julie McLarenFamily Jules117200
84Kris TrinidadDraft Dodgers217900
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