Mondays are done, Tuesdays are done, Wednesdays are done tomorrow, Sundays are done this week, Thursday bronze/silver is done this Thursday, and Thursday gold finishes up next week.

It has been a crazy Spring – it was our biggest season by far, and boy did we ever learn a lot! Here are some things to expect in future:

  • Future seasons will only be 9 weeks since it allows for divisions to have 4, 6, 7, or 8 teams. 10 week seasons do not fit 7 team divisions well at all.
  • Sundays we generally have 50%+ of the league playing, and we believe we have found a way to schedule that many teams/refs 3 months in advance, so expect this summer to have all the schedules out before the season starts
  • We will be running drop-ins throughout the summer but they will taper down in the cold months and only happen when we have spare gym time
  • We are looking for space to run a no-wall premier league in the Fall
  • We will very likely be on Osborne for Canada Day running a drop-in cage match
  • We are trying to find a way to run an event with water balloons instead of balls


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