This weekend a number of schedule mixups were brought to our attention. One game was missing one team on Wednesdays (which has been fixed) and on Thursdays two teams were scheduled to play each other twice at two different times.

As we have grown over the past few seasons we have added staff to assist with daily operations, including publishing schedules. This was the first season in which we had someone on staff to take care of publishing schedules and entering rosters and she has done an incredible job in a short timeframe, but given it was her first time at it there have been some mistakes (so far only about 5 out of 314 events), and a ~98% success rate which is incredible.

That being said, If you catch something that seems off, please email and we will fix it as soon as possible. Thanks again for those who have brought mistakes to our attention, we have fixed the ones we are aware of each within 24 hours.

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