Just a reminder we open registration Monday November 20th in the afternoon.

Prices will be very much the same as previous seasons, as part of our commitment to keep the sport affordable and accessible.

Teams will be the same $495 early bird/$545 late registration, draft will be $66.95/player to accommodate better prizes for stat keepers, and premier will be $595 early bird/$645 late once again, but is moving to Glenwood CC for the winter season.

Draft and Premier league will be open to current registrants for 2 weeks then open to the public December 4th.

Time slots will be sold one per night on a first-come-first-serve basis and sell out VERY quickly. This season you will need to have your team paid for before we will sell you a time slot, so if you want to reserve a time slot your team needs to be registered and paid for. For this reason, time slot reservation will be done through a link in the registration email instead of through the website.

Early bird ends December 7th at 11:59pm

The season starts after New Year’s and each division will get 9 games over the course of the season, with no games on holidays.

All these dates (and more) can be found on our important dates page.

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