Registration is now open! We had someone ask a very good question about Thursdays that we would like to answer.

Q: Since competitive divisions will be wall-ball, what is the difference between Mixed Intermediate and Silver on Thursday nights?
A: Silver will be played as normal with all house rules (including 1v1 sudden death, no revivals in sudden death, no timeouts, if time ends in the middle of a round the game is over, etc) and will have an emphasis on fun over competition. Silver division on Thursday nights will also have a very distinct possibility to be held at a different facility from the competitive games, so if you are playing on a competitive team expect to travel to a different location if you also are playing in Bronze or Silver. We would discourage this, though, and hope that anyone playing multiple times Thursday nights will be in one of the competitive divisions.

Mixed intermediate will be played with as pure WDBF rules as possible, and the emphasis will be on playing and developing competitively, but the level of play will not be top-tier the way Mixed Competitive will be.

If you have a team of talented athletes who have never played before, or a team of people with dodgeball experience looking to get better and experience the WDBF rules with as few house rules as possible, Mixed intermediate is for you! If you have a team with some talented athletes but you’re just looking for something fun to do before you go out for drinks later, then you should look at registering for Silver. If there is not a lot of talent/experience on your team, and you’re just looking for some good old beginner fun, check out Bronze!


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