We have crossed game 5 in most divisions so roster changes will no longer be permitted (except Wednesdays which still have not reached game 5).

This means that Draft Registration will be opening up to current participants for the next 2 weeks. On the 19th it will open to the general public 12:00 noon.

As it currently stands we will have 8 draft teams for the Winter season guaranteed, but we may have room for up to 10 teams. If we have 65 or more players registered for Draft by November 30th, we will open up space for up to 80 players total for 10 draft teams in the Winter season.

If we have 64 or less players as of November 30th, registration for draft will be limited to 64 player (8 teams).

The cost will remain the same at $75 for the season.

Team League registration will open to the public on November 19th at the same time draft becomes available to the public.

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