Registration opens at 8:00pm tonight!

Things will stay primarily the same as in prior seasons, including:

Price: $595 per team regular price, $545 during early bird. $74.95 for individual draft registrations.

Thursday competitive games will be played at Dakota Field house. Draft will remain open court, played out of East Elmwood and Norberry-Glenlee Community Centers.

All other divisions will be played wall-ball style.

Draft registration will remain closed to the public for 2 weeks while current registrants have the opportunity to sign up. It will open to the public September 2nd at 8:00pm. Captains will be determined September 9th once stats are in, so in order to be eligible for captaincy players must be fully registered with their payment completed and form submitted by 11:59pm September 8th.

We have updated our waiver to include broadcasting, as we may start photographing/recording/streaming some of our competitive games. Recreational games will not be streamed.

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