We have finished updating our inventory after receiving all the balls back from our referees from the Summer 2019 season.

We now have 10 boxes of 24 retired dodgeballs in stock. These balls typically have small tears or the foam has become soft and have quite a bit of life left in them, they are just no longer suitable for competitive play as we strive to make sure our equipment is always in good shape and is rotated out regularly.

Use coupon code “10off” to get $10 off a crate of retired balls. Get yourself a discount, or use the $10 off to cover the cost of local delivery ($10 to deliver within Winnipeg) and we’ll take them right to your door!

If you or your organization would like to purchase 3 or more boxes, please contact info@dodgeballwinnipeg.com and we will discuss a rate for bulk purchase.

Crate of 24 Retired Balls



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