With the pandemic in full swing, we will be making an announcement regarding Spring 2020 on our homepage and Facebook page on April 2nd.

At that time we will make the decision to cancel April, or all of Spring. Unless a vaccine is discovered between now and April 2nd, it is incredibly unlikely gymnasiums will be open and it will be safe to play Dodgeball in the month of April.

At this time, it is safe to assume there will be no Dodgeball in April, unless a vaccine or some other cure is found between now and April 2nd. The announcement will be regarding whether or not we expect to be able to run the Spring season at all.

We will not open up registration for Summer season until such time as it is safe to do so, meaning that gymnasiums are openĀ and the virus has run its course. We will not put anyone in harm’s way.

We will also make sure to finish the Winter 2020 playoffs before we start up another season, and will provide free drop-ins for the equivalent number of games lost to any teams that were not in playoffs but had games cancelled for Winter 2020 due to Covid-19.

Thank you for reading, and please check back regularly for updates.

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