In order to provide assurance for our competitive female players, we have put together a short survey that will be used to determine the number of teams in the division as well as connect any free agents with one another. The survey will also be used to identify any barriers that may prevent players from participating in the season. Responses will be collected until August 31st after which the aggregate results will be published so that women know exactly how many teams there will be.

If you’re a female athlete who has been considering trying something new, this is a great opportunity to bring in a team of your own or join a team as a free agent. Your skills from other sports will be surprisingly transferrable, and as a young sport the potential to make it to the national/world level is still achievable even if you start in your thirties. A fully vaccinated environment coupled with strong competition makes women’s competitive dodgeball a fantastic and safe place to improve yourself with and against other high caliber women.

The survey can be answered here.

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