With Covid cases continuing to climb, we are monitoring the situation carefully and hoping that we will see cases peak some time in the near future followed by a rapid drop similar to what has been seen in other parts of the world. We are exploring our options are far as how to proceed and are looking to gauge the temperature of the community in terms of a return to play. In the spirit of transparency these are some of the scenarios we are looking at moving forward:

  • Return to play as scheduled (first games starting Tuesday, January 18th)
  • Push the season back again to Thursday, January 27. With the space we have available, this is the latest we could start before we are forced to start cancelling games.

As a result, we are asking captains to canvass their teams and complete this brief survey to determine if teams are looking to start playing or if they are still uncomfortable returning to play at this time. Please note that this survey is only to be completed by captains. We are asking that captains respond to this survey by Monday, January 10th at noon.

The survey is now closed.

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