Registration for the spring 2022 season is now open. See the Registration page to register.

  1. Cost: $74.95/player for draft, $575/team for Recreational, and $595/team for Competitive.
  2. Individual registrations: We will be accepting registrations until Monday, March 13th in order for us to connect individual players with one another to create free agent teams for recreational co-ed divisions.
  3. Timeslots: There will be 2 timeslots per night for recreational divisions and 1 timeslot for the Sunday competitive division. These must be purchased from the Shop.
  4. Dates: See the Important Dates page for division start dates and venue information (please note that information on this page is tentative and may change).
  5. Proof of immunization/Masking: Will follow provincial health orders.
  6. Divisions: We have the following divisions with confirmed space:
    • Sundays – Bronze, Silver | Platinum | Draft League
    • Tuesdays – Bronze, Silver
    • Wednesdays – Bronze, Silver
    • Thursdays – Men’s Competitive, Women’s Competitive
      *Divisions subject to change based on the number of registered teams.

Registration closing: Registration will close Sunday, March 20th at 11:59pm with a roster submission deadline of Friday, March 24th at  11:59pm.

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