DW update:
Two years ago Dodgeball Winnipeg was acquired by Colton Bertrand and Jordan Ferris with the goal of bringing back to the community of Winnipeg the sport of dodgeball as it was before the pandemic. Effective Sept 30, 2023, Colton has made the personal decision to exit the company. We would like to take this opportunity to publicly say thank you to Colton for his participation and efforts towards achieving our goal. We wish Colton all the best in his future endeavors.Moving forward, we are happy to announce that Nick Grenier will be replacing Colton on this shared dodgeball journey. We have decided our company goals will be shifting. The effort and plans are already in motion to shift the business from simply a pandemic recovery, to growth of the sport & player base. Please help me in Welcoming Nick to the team by coming out to his first event as an organizer of the sport!

DW Throwing Clinic w/ Nick Grenier
Nick will be sharing tips, drills, feedback and knowledge from his pitching training before he began playing dodgeball, and then we will lead into a small team drafted scrimmage!

Nick was trained to throw in baseball at the AAA and provincial level, and did camps with college and pro level coaches during his baseball career. He has also contributed to coaching at the AAA level.

The focus of the program will be on velocity, and shoulder endurance.

$15 entry
4-6PM Throwing Clinic
6-8PM Draft & Scrimmage

Limited spots available
Please E-transfer to payments@dodgeballwinnipeg.com

Spots will only be reserved after receiving payment

DW is also hosting a drop-in on Thursday September 14th from 6pm to 8pm at EECC. This drop in is open to anyone. Fill in the void during the offseason with 2 hours of dodgeball!

Cost is $10 for 2 hours. ($5 if you were on a championship scramble team)
Please E-transfer to payments@dodgeballwinnipeg.com to reserve your spot!


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