Competitive mentorship program
What is this program?
This program will allow qualified Men’s/Women’s competitive “development” teams to add up to 1-2 “mentor” players to their roster at the league’s discretion whom are already on other teams rosters.
We are finding a gap in parity in the gendered divisions that may be resulting in loss of overall player retention toward the sport. We are hoping by allowing qualified “development” teams to add 1-2 mentors to guide them through the competitive side of the sport; it can help with both community integration for new teams and closing the parity gap simultaneously while providing teams with on-court help in exploring the “sport” side of dodgeball.
Why not tier the divisions?
There aren’t enough teams to reliably tier the divisions. Additionally, tiering the divisions could result in denying weaker teams development who want to play against stronger teams. There are Intermediate/Rec divisions for the purpose of playing less competitive divisions.
How do I get a mentor player or two on my team?
The league may reach out privately should your team be identified as a team who could use a mentor player. You are under no obligation to accept. OR
Email the league requesting a mentor player, preferably with a player or two in mind. The league will review; # of past seasons, placement, and current roster for the requesting team. The league will and can help facilitate finding a player or two if needed for your team.
How do I become a mentor player?
Be a nice person who’s registered in the division on another team with a competitive history in the sport. The league will not accept/deny mentors that are requested as long as they are registered in the division; however if the league is helping to facilitate finding one, history in Manitoba representation, team placement, leadership history and current rosters will be a factor as to who gets approached.
What makes a “Development” team?
Teams who consistently score in the bottom 25% of their division, where a clear gap in point differential is identified. Depending on the identified gap, teams may only qualify for 1 mentor should they want one. OR Additionally, new teams with over 50% new players who don’t have any identified “Mentor” players already.
Notes for teams/mentors:
-No, you don’t have to participate.
-There will be very little impact on the divisions if you choose not to participate or do not qualify, besides potentially seeing a “mentor” player or two on a team identified with a gap.
-The mentors would be submitted/approved after teams are paid/roster are submitted, should a team want mentor(s). The mentor player will not be obligated to pay for providing their mentorship.
-Your roster still cannot exceed 12 players, and the mentor player(s) would consume a spot.
-The schedule would not be accommodated to ensure the mentor player is able to play games for their mentor team and original team, so it would be in the teams best interest to have mentors from different teams.
-Mentorships will not be approved for teams toe’ing the center of divisions potentially propelling them into a playoff spot. It will only be approved for team with CLEAR gaps in differential.
-If the mentored team made playoffs (not anticipated), the mentor(s) would NOT be allowed to play with them in their playoff game. The mentor player is obligated to their original team for playoff standing.
-You cannot mentor more than 1 team per season.
-If teams experience an extreme spike or change in record relative to previous history, mentors can be revoked mid-season.
-The maximum amount of seasons a team can utilize the mentorship program is 4. If the differential gap hasn’t been addressed after a year, the team will need to attempt to resolve it without a mentor.
-This is the only time a player would be allowed to be on two rosters in one competitive division (the mentor).
-If the mentored team plays against the mentors team in regular season, the mentor cannot play for both teams in the same game, they must choose one.
-A “Clear” gap in point differential has been identified as a ratio of 1:4 W:L or worse over the course of an entire season, with some leeway (relative to opponents faced). EX. If a team played 16 rounds a game, for 7 games, that would mean their differential would look like – 28:84 or -56.