New policies to combat the spread of illness
- After each game all balls are to be sanitized or replaced with clean equipment and placed in a receptacle separate from clean/sanitized balls. Used equipment that has not been sanitized will be placed in cold storage for a period of no less than 2 weeks.
- Following each game, one referee will sanitize/replace the equipment. If there is a second referee on-site they will usher players out of the facility and ensure everyone has exited before the next group of players is allowed in. The players entering the facility will be directed to thoroughly wash/sanitize their hands prior to commencing warmup/play.
- Attendance will continue to be taken as normal, however attendance records will be made available for contact tracing should an outbreak occur
- Any player who has travelled or had close contact to a known or suspected case of COVID-19 within the past 14 days, is ill, has covid-related symptoms, or is self-isolating, will not be permitted to play. That person may be replaced by a spare (which will not count towards the 2-spares maximum). The replacement still must be approved by the opposing team. Furthermore, the player will be counted as having attended the game so long as they notify the league via e-mail within 14 days to advise they missed due to any of the reasons mentioned in this rule.
- Spectators will not be permitted. Ball retrievers will not be counted as spectators but must actively participate in the ball retrieval process for the duration of the game in order to not be counted as spectators. Children 12 and older may participate in ball retrieval. Children that cannot be left unsupervised will not be permitted.
- Should an outbreak occur and be traced to a dodgeball game, all present players and officials will be required to sit out the following 2 weeks of games on all nights, or provide proof of official testing showing a negative result before they can return. These players can be replaced with spares as per rule #4 on other nights. The teams involved will have their following 2 games rescheduled if the schedule allows for it. Extra dates will be booked if possible.
- Following any headshots play will be stopped, and the ball will be removed from play and sanitized. If possible, the player hit in the head will handle the affected ball and bring it to a place where it can be sanitized and sanitize it if willing, or place it in the receptacle for used equipment and a new ball will be rotated in to replace it.