Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can we contact Dodgeball Winnipeg?
Email, or send us a message on facebook messenger or instagram.
Can I register as an individual?
We offer individual registration. Register here. You could also try to find people by looking in the “Dodgeball Winnipeg Community” Facebook Group.
We are beginners, and we heard this league is mainly competitive, is that true?
Not at all! We have more beginner teams than any other league in the city. In fact, we currently have more teams in our beginner divisions than any other league has in all of their divisions combined. If you don’t want to play in a competitive division, simply sign up for the one that is at your skill level! See our division descriptions for more information.
What times do you play?
Check out our Dates and Locations page.
How many games do we get?
All teams get to play 9 games guaranteed, including playoffs.
Do we get to choose when we play?
You get to choose which day of the week you play on, and you will play on that day every week. If your team needs a specific time on that day, you can pay $90 to choose your team’s schedule for the season. This is sold on a first-come-first-serve basis and priority is given to the team(s) that pay for it first.
Do you play on holidays?
No, there are no games on holidays.
Where do you play?
Check the facilities page for a full list of locations.
How many people should I have on my team?
For new teams, we recommend 8-10 players, and at least 3 should be female. Once you get a reliable group of people coming, 8 or 9 seem to be the magic number. We have a maximum of 12 permitted on a roster.
Does it hurt to get hit by a ball?
We use 7″ foam balls. You will find that even at full speed these balls do not really hurt.
We recommend removing any rings/jewelry you may be wearing.
I haven't played sports since high school, what division should I join?
If you wish to register a team and have little athletic experience, please select the recreational division.
I don't have Paypal, how else can I pay?
Even without Paypal, you can still check out using your credit card (Paypal accepts credit card payments even for people who do not have Paypal).
You can also e-transfer the correct amount to
Which division should I register for?
Visit our Divisions and Styles page.
I have a child who is interested in dodgeball, what do you offer for kids?
Please check out
Can I bring my child to a game?
We very strongly discourage bringing young children to the game! For insurance purposes we have a no-children policy on the court – that means your child must stay out of bounds at all times.
Children aged 13-17 may enter the gym and watch from the bench.
If you must bring a child aged 12 or younger please make sure they have direct supervision at all times. The foam balls we use are unlikely to hurt an adult, but young children face the risk of injury. We recommend having someone 12 or older come with them and seat the child behind the bench, so they are protected from stray throws. Cross-court shots can hit a person sitting on the bench and your child could get knocked over and potentially be seriously injured.
For infants/toddlers, do not bring them into the gym. It simply isn’t safe.
If you have further questions please email