House Keeping

1.1) Rule #1: Respect the spirit of the game. Dodgeball is built on the foundation of honesty, take your outs! The games are officiated but officials won’t be able to see everything.

1.2) Bring a positive attitude! You will win some games, and lose some. When you start out, you may lose a lot of games. The most important thing is that you enjoy your wins respectfully and learn from your losses. Disrespect of others will not be tolerated. You are here to have fun and improve yourself, and nobody improves by being disrespectful to others.

1.3) Refunds: Refunds will be approved at 100% refund if requested before the registration deadline. If a refund is requested after the registration deadline, but before the start of the season, it will be a 50% return. No refunds can be fulfilled within 1 week of season start.

Venue Rules and Specifications

2.1) Outdoor footwear is to be left outside the gym, and is not to be brought inside the gymnasium.

2.2) Alcohol and drugs are strictly forbidden from the premises.

2.3) No outside beverages in the facilities. These gyms are the core of our sport and without them our league does not operate. Please be respectful of the facilities.

Registration, Rosters and Spares

3.0) Registration deadlines will be set by the league, if you fail to register your team in time, the league may be able to accommodate a late registration (within a few days) with a $100 late-registration fee under the condition the division you are registering for is not full. The league will not accommodate late registrations for full divisions.

3.1) Submitting/Changing your roster:

3.1.1) The last roster you submit before your first game will be considered your roster for the season. To submit your roster, click here.

3.1.2) Each team is allowed one free roster change during the season.

3.1.3) A roster change must be submitted at least 24 hours before a game to be considered current for that game.

3.1.4) We will not accept rosters via email, they must be done by completing the roster form in its entirety.

3.1.5) During registration, the league will set a deadline by which your roster must be submitted. Once this deadline is passed, any team without a submitted roster will lose their one free roster change for the season. The league will then begin setting further deadlines – for each one missed, your team will forfeit a season game. Do not let this happen, just submit your roster!

3.1.7) A player may NOT register to be on the roster for more than one team in any given division. (Ex: you could sign up to play in Sunday Rec and Tuesday Rec no problem, but you could not sign up on two Sunday Rec teams)

3.2) Season-ending Injury

3.2.1) If a player is injured for the remainder of the season, please contact the league about substituting someone into their position.

3.2.2) This will not count as your roster change, but the injured player will be removed from your roster.

3.2.3) In order to use this rule, the injured player must not be playing on any other teams in the league for the remainder of the season.

3.2.4) The replacement player must be approved by the league as being of equal or lesser skill.

3.2.5) The injured player will not be permitted to return to the team for the remainder of the season.

3.2.6) To use this rule, the league must be contacted with the injury, the player’s name, and the suggested replacement, at least 24 hours before your next game. If you are asking within 24 hours of a game the player must be cleared as a spare as normal for that game (or will not be able to play if it is a playoff game), their attendance will not count towards playoffs, and the league will make a decision that will be effective for the following game.

3.3) Team League spares policy:

3.3.1) During regular season play, if your team wishes to bring players not on your roster you must contact the opposing captain for approval of up to 2 spares. 24 hours notice is ideal, so the opposing captain has time to reply.

3.3.2) You must contact the captain at least two hours before the game and be able to provide proof to the league ( that you did so or your team will forfeit whether or not the opposing captain agrees to your subs. Proof may be requested randomly; or by challenge by the opposing captain after a game is played. If you do not receive a response from the captain, you can provide proof to the league you requested the approval within the appropriate time frame, and a league official may approve your subs on the spot at their discretion.

3.3.3) If you ask for spares less than 2 hours before the game and the opposing captain agrees, you will still forfeit.

3.3.4) If a player is injured just before or during a game and you would play short, you may bring in a replacement with the permission of the opposing captain.

3.3.5) If a team wishes to play with more than 2 players that are not on their roster and the opposing captain agrees the game will be played and the score will be recorded but it will still count as a win for the opposing team.

3.3.6) If an opposing captain denies your requested spares you are not allowed to argue their decision, find someone else! If they deny your second request for spares, please contact and we will mediate the situation. If a captain is found to be belligerent or rude during this process, please send a copy of the conversation to and the offending team will receive a penalty which, depending on the severity of the offense, may be a forfeit.

3.3.7) During semi-finals and for the championship match only players that are on the current roster and have attended 3 season games on the roster for their team may play. (If they spared for your team before being added to the roster, those games do not count). 

Attendance summaries are available by clicking on semi-final and championship games.

3.3.8) If you win your division, all players that attended at least 3 games will win the appropriate medal.

3.3.9) If you believe that your team’s attendance or scores have been listed incorrectly please contact us no later than 2 days before your next game and let us know which date specifically you believe was entered incorrectly.

3.3.10) If the sheet does not match what is on the website, attendance sheet that was confirmed with the captain will be taken as correct. Challenges to what is recorded on the sheets will not be accepted as you have confirmed with the referee they are correct after each game.

3.3.11) For the final game of playoffs, all non-championship matches will not have the spares policy enforced. Since these games are played just for fun, we highly encourage you to bring out new players and show them the sport! Any player brought for the final match must know the rules and be respectful so please make sure you teach them how the game is played before bringing them. Ignorance of the rules will not prevent them from being enforced.

3.4) Open Division Spares policy

3.4) Open and Women’s competitive divisions are exempt from the minimum 3 regular season game rule mentioned in 3.3.7. and 3.1.2, however, must be on the roster. Roster changes cannot be submitted after week 7 games are played. Additionally, if a roster change is submitted after week 5, the player changing rosters must NOT be on a roster that has been eliminated from playoff contention. This is intended to encourage our provincial/national Men’s/Women’s teams to participate with their full squads should there be shifting that happens for these events during a DW season, while maintaining the integrity of the competition.

3.4.1 Open “A” division team players are no longer allowed to spare within the “B” division. The parity in our divisions is great. Teams are very well matched. There are many other teams within the division to pull subs from. This eliminates any possibility of major swings within games due to a single spare player.

3.4.2 On the other hand, if an “A” division team requires a spare, the league allows “B” division team players to sub. This is a great opportunity for players to try their hand in the “A” division and to have the opportunity to learn/play alongside Manitoba’s top teams.

3.4.3 Players can only spare for gendered teams that are the same as the team they registered with. The purpose of the division changing to Open was to provide club teams practice at the appropriate level to prepare for Provincials and Club Championships as a team. Provincials and Club Championships are gendered, and DW would like to keep the Open teams that way also. The divisions are large enough, there shouldn’t be an issue with shortage of spares. Women’s teams in the Open division can pull spares from the Women’s division if required. This provides ample development opportunities for everyone in all divisions.

3.5) Draft league Spares policy

3.5.1) If your team will have less than 6 players, you can reach out to any player that is also in the draft division that is not in the top 20 (top 12 for a 4 team div) and has an average of 20 points per game or less (total score divided by games present). You can sub up to a maximum of 2 players per game, but cannot go over 6 players with the substitutes.

3.5.2) Team Captains are NOT permitted to be a spare.

3.5.3) If you cannot find anyone within the league, please contact we can arrange spares for you.

3.5.4) For teams playing in the top 4 for semi-finals, and the championship match, spares are not permitted.

3.5.5) If a spare is required in the first week of the season and there are no stats in place the first 20 players involved in the draft are not permitted to spare (captains + picks 1-12). The first eligible spare would be pick #13. For a 4 team division only the first 12 platers will not be permitted to spare (captains + picks 1-8) first eligible spare would be pick #9. 

3.5.6) During Post-Season Exhibition games, TEAM CAPTAINS, TOP 20/20PPG, or NON draft players CAN SPARE with permission from the opposition captain.

3.6) Draft league permanent replacement policy

3.6.1) If a player cannot participate in dodgeball for the remainder of the season, the team captain may bring attention to the league for a permanent replacement. A reason must be given, the reason must be involuntary & take the player out for the remainder of the season.

Involuntary examples that work; geographic (travel) due to unforeseen circumstances, employment change, injury, and the player would not return, or it is not clear that they would return before the final game of the playoffs.

3.6.2) The replacement player must be approved by the league as being of equal or lesser skill.

3.6.3) The metrics that will largely be considered for the replacement will be as follows; Points per game, total previous captaincies, history of representation of Manitoba as a high performance athlete, current presence on competitive rosters.

3.6.4) If the league is unable to make a decision based on the above, the other captains may be petitioned privately for a vote.

3.6.5) The replaced player is not permitted to return to draft for the rest of the season under any circumstance. This player also becomes an ineligible player in any division for the rest of the season. If they participate in another division; the team they are participating on will forfeit their game. Captains with this player on their roster will be informed by the league they are ineligible. This rule is intended to replace players that know with 100% certainty they cannot return to play dodgeball by the end of the season.

3.6.6) The permanent replacement cannot be requested later than 48H before the first playoff game.

The referee is not required to inform you that your spares may cause you to forfeit as they do not have access to the league’s e-mail!

Administrative Rules and Policies

4.1) Referees

4.1.1) Referees have the authority to remove anyone for any reason they deem necessary, which includes (but is not limited to) someone who is intoxicated, being disrespectful, belligerent, or otherwise causing a problem.


4.1.2) Anti-retaliation policy

While Dodgeball Winnipeg is primarily a sports league, it is also a  vibrant community of players who are passionate about the sport.  As a result, many of our officials are also community members. This can create difficulty when tensions are running high in the game, and it can be difficult to separate community members from the role they are performing as officials.

In order to reduce stress on community members who have taken on the role of officials, Dodgeball Winnipeg will not tolerate any sort of off-the-court retaliation of community members who are also officials. This includes but is not limited to:

Approaching officials after the game to debate decisions made during the game
Social media contact with officials questioning decisions made in their role as official
Harassment for decisions made while acting as an official, in person or online

If players have concerns about the performance or decisions made by an official, they should contact the league directly, not the official themselves. Individuals engaging in off-the-court retaliation against officials can, at the league’s discretion, face penalties up to and including expulsion from the league. This policy is intended to protect community members that take on the challenge of officiating and maintain a fun and safe environment for everyone to engage in the sport.

8.3) What is acceptable in a team name?

Dodgeball Winnipeg encourages creative, fun team names – but they cannot be derogatory to race, size, gender or sexual preference.


4.4) Age Requirements

4.4.1) Any team caught fielding a player under 18 years old without league approval will forfeit the game in which the person attended, at the discretion of the league.

4.4.2) A team caught fielding a minor without approval a second time will be ejected from the league. Look to Winnipeg Minor Dodgeball if you are underage and wish to play.


4.5) Confirmation of Identity

4.5.1) Referees may, at any time, ask a player to prove their identity. Obviously it would be impossible to enforce a roster policy if we did not have the right and the ability to confirm the identity of the players present at the games.

4.5.2) Any player who refuses to prove who they are will not be permitted to play, or, if they have already played at least one round in the match, their team will forfeit the match.


4.6) Unable to field a team for a scheduled game

4.6.1) If you are unable to field a team for a scheduled game for any reason, the league must be notified 48 hours before the scheduled game time. Failure to notify the league can result in the forfeiture of game(s) beyond the game in question.

4.6.2) Please do not notify the opposing captain if you intend to no-show before the League is notified. The league will do its best to ensure a game to be played for the opposition team.

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