T’aint My Balls vs OKCU! [Semi-finals, no spares]
All players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate. Attendance: T’aint my balls OKCU!
Seven Deadly Sins vs Care-A-Bit [Semi-finals, no spares]
All players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate Attendance: Care-a-bit Seven Deadly Sins
Velocity vs Le Dodgeball Week [Semi-finals, no spares]
All players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate: Attendance: Velocity Le Dodgeball Week
Chess Club vs Juggernaut [Semi-finals, no spares]
All players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate: Chess Club Juggernaut
Wildfire vs Vixen Collective [Semi-finals, no spares]
All players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate Attendance: Wildfire Vixen Collective