All players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate.
Season: Fall 2017
Daj Mabal vs Dogeballs: Ressurection
Daj Mabal 6:00 pm
Winnipeg Web Slingers vs Mennos and Friends
Slumdodge Millionaires vs The Expendaballs [Double Header]
Kiss our Dodgeballs vs Purple Monkey Surprise
9:00 pm Purple Monkey Surprise
Master Batters vs Team Carealot
Master Batters 8:30 pm Team Carealot
Hylian Warriors vs Chess Club 7
Hylian Warriors 8:30 pm
The Winged Hussars vs Team Zoloft [Championship]
Players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate
The Winged Hussars 8:00 pm Team Zoloft
Torsion vs Slumdodge Millionaires
Torsion 8:00 pm Slumdodge Millionaires
Wait, this isn’t Karaoke? vs Sass Mafia [Championship]
Must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate.
Wait, this isn’t Karaoke? 7:30 pm Sass Mafia