Spring 2018
Good Vibrations vs Beaver Tranquilizers [Semi-finals, no spares]
All players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate http://dodgeballwinnipeg.com/list/good-vibrations-2/ Beaver Tranquilizers
My Drinking Team Has A Dodgeball Problem vs A Cinderella Story [Semi-finals, no spares]
All players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate. Drinking team Care-a-bit
Spring Rolls vs The Galactic Empire [Semi-finals, no spares]
All players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate. Seven Deadly Sins http://dodgeballwinnipeg.com/list/galactic-empire/
Dodgement Day 2.0 vs Canniballs [Semi-finals, no spares]
All players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate. http://dodgeballwinnipeg.com/list/dodgement-day-2-0/ Canniballs