Season: Summer 2018
Omae wa mo shindeiru 8 vs 6 BE YOU!!
Shirt Catches Offend Me vs Deep Throwers [Semi-finals, no spares]
Shirt Catches Offend Me 10 vs 8
Teamy McTeamFace vs Norberry-Glenlee Community Center
Shirt Catches ALSO Offend Me vs Dragon Ballz Super S12 [Semi-finals, no spares]
Summer Hummer vs Brochachos
Summer Hummer 8:00 pm
The Macho Brochachos vs Brover Tranquilizers [Championship]
Canniballs vs Throwbrocops
My Drinking Team Has A Dodgeball Problem vs Dodgement Day 2.0 [Championship]
7:00 pm DD3
No Hit Sherlock vs Brolo [Semi-finals, no spares]
All players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate
Do You Even Dodge Bro? vs Brotha Duckas [Semi-finals, no spares]
All players must have attended 3 games on the roster to participate