What is acceptable in a team name?

Dodgeball Winnipeg encourages creative, fun team names – but they cannot be derogatory to race, size, gender or sexual preference.


Referees have the authority to remove anyone for any reason they deem necessary, which includes (but is not limited to) someone who is intoxicated, being disrespectful, belligerent, or otherwise causing a problem.

Sexual harassment is not acceptable under any circumstances – everyone has the right to feel safe. Please contact a referee or the league immediately if you see, hear, or experience anything of this nature.

Discrimination is not acceptable under any circumstances. Give everyone a fair chance, equal playtime, and do not make derogatory comments based on someone’s appearance/ethnicity/gender/etc. You may think you are being playful when you tell your friend he “throws like a girl” but that can be hurtful to those around you. Think before you speak, you do not want to be given a yellow or red card for your conduct.

Any live player interacting with a cell phone or other electronic device will be knocked out as if they had stepped out of bounds on the first offense, and will receive a yellow card as well as being knocked out for all subsequent offenses that match.

Bring a positive attitude! You will win some games, and lose some. When you start out, you may lose a lot of games. The most important thing is that you enjoy your wins respectfully and learn from your losses. Disrespect of others will not be tolerated. The prize at the end of the season is a medal for each teammate who attended 3+ games, so please keep things in perspective. You are here to have fun and improve yourself, and nobody improves by being disrespectful to others.

The rules surrounding yellow cards and red cards are found in the game rules section, in the official WDBF rulebook.

Anti-retaliation policy

While Dodgeball Winnipeg is primarily a sports league, it is also a rich and vibrant community of players who are passionate about the sport.  As a result, many of our officials are also community members. This can create difficulty when tensions are running high in the game, and it can be difficult to separate community members from the role they are performing as officials.

In order to reduce stress on community members who have taken on the role of officials, Dodgeball Winnipeg will not tolerate any sort of off-the-court retaliation of community members who are also officials. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Approaching officials after the game to debate decisions made during the game
  • Social media contact with officials questioning decisions made in their role as official
  • Harassment for decisions made while acting as an official, in person or online

If players have concerns about the performance or decisions made by an official, they should contact the league directly, not the official themselves. Individuals engaging in off-the-court retaliation against officials can, at the league’s discretion, face penalties up to and including expulsion from the league. This policy is intended to protect community members that take on the challenge of officiating and maintain a fun and safe environment for everyone to engage in the sport.

Consequences for harassment or discrimination may result in severe penalties up to and including a permanent lifetime ban.


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