We have just opened up registration for our draft league to the public!

Check it out here: http://dodgeballwinnipeg.com/draft-registration/

What is draft? It’s a competitive division where we keep track of players’ hits, catches, and rounds won. The highest scoring players get to pick their own team the next season in a snake-style draft. This makes the teams more fair, since captains are always looking to pick the best players available to them. Scores are usually close, games are intense, and it is a great way to meet the people of the community.

We recommend draft to players who can already throw or catch really well, or have a decent amount of dodgeball experience. You can keep track of your progress by looking at your stats from one season to the next! It is a great way to develop as a player.

If you have never played a throwing sport such as baseball/softball/football, and have not played dodgeball, we recommend you play a season or two in our team leagues to get a feel for the game before joining draft.

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