We are on track to reopen in September. We have been working with our gym partners, and there will be modifications to our housekeeping in order to make Dodgeball acceptable to be played indoors. Registration will open August 5th at 6:00pm for all divisions that have confirmed space.
We will not be modifying game rules, as there is no meaningful way to adjust dodgeball as a sport. There is plenty we can do to minimize potential outbreaks, though. This includes, but is not limited to:
1. Sanitizing or completely replacing balls after each game
2. Spectators will not be permitted
3. All players must exit the facility immediately following their match, before the next game is permitted to enter the facility
4. Attendance sheets may be used for contact tracing
5. There will be relaxed restrictions regarding attendance & spares should someone be self-isolating due to travel or potential/confirmed illness. Our rules page will be updated to reflect this before registration opens
6. We have booked up to 12 weeks for any nights where there was available space so that we can potentially shut down for up to 3 weeks should a potential outbreak occur at Dodgeball
7. Balls will be rotated in and out of use so it can be sanitized and stored for 2+ weeks to further minimize potential spread
8. Pre-screening will occur – and people who are ill or have traveled within 2 weeks will not be permitted to play. Spares rules will be updated to account for this and to ensure playoff eligibility is not affected.
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