First off, we would like to thank the community for the feedback that has been provided over the past couple of days (both via survey and direct emails to us). After consideration of this feedback, it is clear that a large segment of the community is not comfortable playing at this point in time. In addition, since originally issuing the survey, we have had gym partners announce that they are not going to be operating over the next 2 weeks. As a result, we will be pushing the season back until Thursday, January 27th. This is the latest that we can postpone the season without starting to cut games from the schedule, however as of right now, we are still looking at a full 9 game season (check the Important Dates page for game dates). Start dates for each division will be as follows:

Thursday, Jan 27
Sunday, Jan 30
Tuesday, Feb 1
Wednesday, Feb 2

The schedule will be amended over the next couple of weeks to reflect the new game dates. Any further changes to the season/schedule will be communicated closer to the season start date, if applicable.

Your continued patience and understanding is very much appreciated!

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