Month: July 2017


Hello all!

Tuesday drop-ins were cancelled due to poor attendance. Thursday drop-ins will continue so long as attendance is sufficient. Thursday drop-ins are now 7:30-9:30 at East Elmwood CC 490 Keenleyside. Thank you!

Standings page is now current

We have created the league tables for each division and they are over on our standings page. The standings page will be kept current to within 1 week (meaning we will never be more than a single game behind in the standings).

Schedule changes/reminders

Thursdays starting July 27th will be entirely at Sturgeon, and drop-ins will be moved to East Elmwood for the duration of the season.

Thursday Bronze/Silver has 9 teams in the division, meaning they get an extra 2 weeks of round robin before playoffs, and each team will have a “bye” week where they do not play.

Draft championship always happens the week AFTER draft playoffs conclude. Because of the way this season works with a single division, that means the draft championship (for the Chris Glass Memorial Cup) will happen on September 24th. The teams competing for the cup will not play on September 17th (when the other teams play their final playoff matches).

Join the team!

Dodgeball Winnipeg is looking for a referee (term or permanent). Pay is $16.50/hr, must be available Thursdays 6:30-8:30 at Sturgeon until the end of September. Other shifts available too, please inquire to


With summer season approaching fast, it is important that players fill out their waiversย before their first game.

Please click here to download and print the waiver file.

In case the above link does not work, here is the direct link:ย


In the meantime, we have been working around the clock, and will be taking a short break Friday and Saturday. We will respond to e-mails Sunday. See you on the court!

Sunday Schedules are out!

The Sunday Schedules have been released. Due to the odd/uneven amount of teams that registered for each division, we have separated Sundays into an upper and lower division.

The lower division will be an 8 team bronze division as normal.

The upper division teams were placed there based on previous results, and duringย playoffs will be split as follows:

The top 4 ranked teams will play each other for gold medals

The bottom 4 ranked teams will play each other for silver medals

Thanks again to everyone for joining us in the summer season! In previous years we haven’t even had enough teams to split into divisions.

Thursday schedules to come soon!

Join the team!

Looking for some fun work this summer?

DW is looking for someone to ref 6:30-8:30 Thursdays. Pay is $16.50/HR and we are looking for someone familiar with the rules of the game.

Please email if interested

Tuesday schedules are out!

We have released the schedules for Tuesday Gold and Tuesday Bronze/Silver. You can see them on our schedule page. All games will be at East Elmwood CC 6:30 and 7:30 for gold and 8:30 for Bronze/Silver.

Tuesday drop-ins will be happening at Sturgeon Heights CC for the duration of the summer – 8:00-10:00 July 11th, then 7:30-9:30 for the remainder of the summer season.

See you on Tuesday!