Season: Winter 2017
Wedding Crashers 9 vs 11
AYBOnline Boom Headshot vs Poke my Balls
AYBOnline Boom Headshot 5 vs 10
Individu-balls vs The Dogeballs
Individu-balls 0 vs 10 The Dogeballs
DCAG Balls of Duty vs Not in the Face
Randy’s Divorce Party: A New Hope vs No Diggity No Dodge
Divide By 2 Plus 7 vs The Dodgefathers
Divide By Spoon Plus Cereal 15 vs 7
Average Hoes vs Sister Wives
7 vs 9 Sister Wives
Lazer Explosion vs Snoop Dodgy Dodge
Lazer Explosion 6 vs 9 Snoop Dodgy Dodge
Gotta Catch ’em All vs Sunday Mass Attack
10 vs 7 Sunday Mass Attack
Dodgeasaurus vs Ball Gobblers
Dodgeasaurus 12 vs 9 Ball Gobblers